What Type of Return Can I Expect from using Google Paid Ads?

Here’s what I’ve gotten from Google within the last 6 months of tracking our real estate team's success. 

Our team in real estate consists of 3 people, myself, business partner, and real estate administrator. 

We consistently spend on average $500 - 600 a month.

Monthly we can expect 10 - 15+ leads each month.

Average cost per lead is $40-60 each.

We hold a standard of converting 20% of the leads that we receive from Google.

Out of 80 leads we have successfully closed on 4 deals and have an additional 3 deals under contract within our first 6 months using Google.

We are actively working with 11-13 serious clients in which some have completed an in-person buyer consultation, signed buyer rep agreements, some are double deals, and others we are actively touring with to find their new home.

We steadily convert this lead source at a 20-30% conversion rate from new lead to serious/closed.

At the 6 months mark Google has added nearly $8 million dollars in active/closed sales revenue to our business. We are now actively adding more members to our team to support our growth because of this lead generation pillar that Google provides to our team!

The biggest takeaway that I’ve gained from my experience has been to make sure to prioritize your new business relationships. It’s important that you create systems and operations to support your efforts when implementing a consistent funnel that helps you gain new clients.

Tracking your success has made the difference for us to thrive with this lead pillar, since we understand “whatever you measure will improve!”

Start developing your SOPs at the beginning, don’t wait until you have 5-10+ new clients because this will become a churn-rate (loss of clients due to poor upkeep.)

Make sure to be personable and develop trust and show that you care since you are a completely new person to your prospective client! Help them know how you work, like you by seeing that you care beyond the deal, and trust you by properly conveying your value!

Create a follow up schedule to regularly touch your clients to ensure they feel your presence and availability.

When you do these core things the right way, it won’t be long until you find yourself hiring more helping hands to support your rapid growth!

We have learned that if you take this lead source seriously, it is inevitable for you to experience the growth that you’ve been waiting for!

We are here for you every step of the way.

If you’d like to book a demo call to see if Google leads are a fit for you and your team, use the link to schedule a strategy call today!

PS. One thing is for certain, Google is ever changing! So if you are wanting to replicate this model to ensure that you can match our success then don’t wait for Google to change >>> Join Now!

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